00 19/04/2013 22:56
Pensavate che ce ne fossimo dimenticati, eh? (ed in effetti...) [SM=g27986]

ecco alcune domande tradotte (alcune hanno già avuto risposta da Prodos nel frattempo). [SM=g27989]

- Are you considering light tankers and APC for every Corporation, or we will see only updated versions of existing models?
- Let's talk about rules: which are, in your opinion, the most innovative changes from previous versions?
- Are you considering resurrecting also Chronopia?
- When will the product officially start on your web-site, with Miniatures, Rules and all the needed tools available for purchasing?
- Will Warzone Resurrection have the same Sci-Fi Skirmish taste of previous versions, or we will see something new and different?
- And now, a crucial question for all the Mutant Chronicles fans out there! What about the Background? Will be (heavily) based on the well known '90 Background, or will it also be reviewed (or resurrected) in major parts?
- Which kind of marketing strategies have you foreseen for the launch of the product? Will there be distributors for the different countries, or are you planning to sell (mainly) as an online shop?
- Just one question to be sure: will the miniatures be available for purchasing on a selective basis? It is not a collectible miniatures game, right?
- Which Army size and Units number do you suggest for standard games (i.e. 2 hours)
- Which of the previous edition Warzone Resurrection is more similar to?

H.W.Guderian, 14/02/2013 16:39:

quale sarà il costo medio di ogni unità?

Intendi in soldi o in punti?
[Modificato da Davide@mcic 20/04/2013 01:23]